The forward plan of key decisions

The forward plan details key decisions that are due to be taken by the council's cabinet or by officers. The plan covers a four month period and is updated monthly.

The forward plan lists:

  • a description of a key decision;
  • the committee or individual who will take the decision;
  • the date or period when the decision is to be taken;
  • groups/individuals who were consulted and how they were consulted;
  • the documents the committee or individual will have presented to them; and
  • details of how representations can be made.

Key decisions

Key decisions are taken by cabinet or an officer and involve:

  • expenditure or savings over £50,000 (£20,000 for a decision taken by an officer);
  • changing a plan or strategy in the policy framework;
  • developing a major new plan or strategy;
  • the annual budget;
  • making a decision which is not in accordance with the policy framework or budget;
  • significant effects on communities living or working in any ward in the borough, in deciding whether it has a "significant effect", the decision-maker will need to consider the strategic nature of the decision and whether the outcome will have an impact on amenities or the quality of service provided by the council

Decisions by the regulatory committees (i.e. planning, licensing and safety, appeals and standards) are never key decisions.

Viewing the forward plan

The forward plan can be viewed at the main reception at the Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, or at Rugby Library, or you can download a copy here.

Copies of, or extracts from, the documents listed in the forward plan can be obtained by contacting the democratic services team. There may be a charge to cover any photocopying or postage costs.

Documents that are subject to any prohibition or restriction on their disclosure cannot be released.