Reducing condensation and mould in your home

Condensation happens when warm air full of moisture hits cold surfaces in your home. It can damage your property and produce mould, which can damage your health.

The good news is that you can minimise condensation and avoid mould by following our four-step guide.

Make less moisture

Wipe water from your windows and sills, wringing your cloth out in the sink. Don't put wet cloths on a heater.

Drying clothes indoors, in poorly ventilated rooms, is one of the biggest causes of damp. Dry clothes outside whenever possible or ensure that there is adequate ventilation to give moisture somewhere to go

Use lids on saucepans when you cook. This keeps steam in the pan and could save money on your energy bill.

Avoid using paraffin or bottled gas heaters. Burning 1 litre of paraffin puts about 1 litre of water vapour into the air which re-appears as condensation.

Tumble dryers should be vented to the outside to ensure the moisture-filled air leaves your home.

Allow air to circulate

Regularly vent every room for short periods of time. Modern windows have trickle vents to help ventilate your home. Keeping these open as much as possible helps damp air to escape. Open a window when cooking or boiling pans and after showering or bathing.

Never block off air vents or extractor fans. Install humidity-controlled extractor fans whenever possible.

Keep your kitchen and bathroom doors shut when in use and for 20 minutes after to prevent moist air from escaping into other rooms. When rooms are not in use leave doors open so heat can spread evenly through your home.

Allow air to circulate by leaving gaps between walls and your furniture.

Keep your home warm

Heating your home efficiently keeps walls and windows warmer and reduces the chance of condensation. Try to keep rooms where most moisture is produced above 18ºC (63°F), along with providing good ventilation

Remove mould immediately

Remove mould as soon as you find it to stop it from spreading and causing more damage to your home.

The mould-affected areas should be treated with a suitable mould/mildew cleaner (always follow the manufacturer’s instructions).

Use fungicidal paints and decorating materials to help prevent the recurrence of mould.

To report a problem with condensation or mould please contact our repairs team on:

(01788) 533888


Download our fact sheet on preventing condensation and mould growth



Are you eligible for Pension Credit?

What is Pension Credit?

Pension Credit gives you extra money to help with your living costs if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income. Pension Credit can also help with housing costs such as ground rent or service charges.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is aware that some people may not be receiving Pension Credit when they might be eligible for it.  People of State Pension age may be entitled to Pension Credit even though they have modest savings and a retirement income.  

An award of Pension Credit can provide access to a range of other benefits such as help with housing costs, council tax, heating bills and for those aged 75 or over a free TV licence.  

Find out more by viewing the Pension Credit toolkit

Further advice can be found at Citizen's Advice 

Vouchers to spend on utility bills

We know that sudden unexpected costs can create real challenges for residents who are experiencing financial hardship.  Vouchers towards utility bills are available for families and households in Warwickshire using pre-payment meters, paying by direct debit or on receipt of bill. 

Call 0800 4081448 or 01926 359182 to talk to us in confidence.  

This support is provided by Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme and funded by the Department for Work and Pensions’ Household Support Fund.    

Warwickshire local Welfare Scheme

Other organisations that can offer help and support during tough times like now can be found below:

Rugby Citizens Advice provides confidential, independent advice and information on a wide range of subjects including welfare benefits, debt, employment, housing and much more.

Rugby Foodbank provides emergency food for local people in crisis.

Telephone 07557 680019


The Hope Centre offers practical help and support to people in Rugby who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or temporarily housed. 

Telephone 01788 572456


Warwickshire services have brought together a list of National and local links to help people find the information they need to manage increased household costs as well as providing support and information on related topics.

Stop Loan Sharks - talk in confidence with the England Illegal Money Lending Team and find out what your options are.

Telephone 0300 555 2222 helpline is open 24 hours/7 days a week 





Warm Welcomes Warm Spaces

A number of council and community buildings offer a warm welcome to residents looking for company in cosy, secure surroundings.

warm hub



Find out more about Warm Hubs 

Meet the Chief Officer for Communities and Homes

We asked Michelle some questions about her role at Rugby Borough Council

What does your job involve?  communities and home

I’m part of the Council’s Leadership Team and I am responsible for ensuring Communities and Homes services help to deliver the Corporate Strategy in a way that meets customer needs and represents value for money.   

I lead on tackling poverty in our Borough and building stronger communities. A big part of this is connecting the aims and objectives of the council with those of the health, social care, and community & voluntary sectors. This puts us in a better position to address inequalities, provide support to the vulnerable and enable residents to live healthy independent lives. 

I oversee the work of the following teams: 

  • Housing Advice and Benefits (including housing applications and homelessness) 
  • Communities and Projects 
  • Housing Services 
  • Asset Maintenance (looking after the council’s portfolio of properties) 

It is fast-paced and challenging but it’s also really rewarding. I love what I do. 

Could you tell us what the best part of your job is?  

Getting things delivered. I’m so proud of our new homes at Bell House on Lawford Road. It was a derelict and problematic site for years. Now it is 18 lovely homes. I’m also excited about our new housing schemes which we are planning for Rounds Gardens and Biart Place. 

Can you tell us three things you’d like to achieve in your job in 2023? 

I want to ensure even closer working with our community and voluntary sector to better understand the ever-changing needs of our communities and see how we can respond to them and use our influence to get support from others. 

The decarbonisation and affordable warmth agendas are increasingly important – we already have some exciting plans for 2023 which we can hopefully share soon.  

What inspired you to do this role? 

 I started working at Rugby Borough Council nearly 30 years ago as a housing assistant before working my way up to being a housing officer. As I learned more and more about community and housing management  I moved into different roles finally progressing into the role I have now. My constant during my housing and communities career has been a real love for what I do. Every day is a new challenge and you can’t predict what is around the corner.   

What is an achievement in your role that will stick with you for life? 

Stepping up to the pandemic response – one minute I was developing the new housing strategy for the borough, and the next minute I was working with the military to set up the shielding hub for the distribution of food to vulnerable people. My team, at the time, also took over running the Foodbank as many of the volunteers that did run it had to shield.  

When you look back, it was scary, as none of us knew how things would pan out in those early days. I was so proud of what we did – loads of teams across the council all pulling together and doing what was needed because it was the right thing to do. I won’t ever forget that.  



Tenant's Panel Meeting

We held our first tenants panel meeting on the 30th of November 2022. This was a great chance for tenants and the council to meet for the first time in 3 years due to the Covid restrictions.  

The items covered were as follows: 

  • welcome back after the pandemic
  • introduction to new staff members and update from the housing team
  • Tenants Annual Report 2021/2022
  • agree schedule of Tenant Panel meetings for 2023/2024

Below is a passage written by one of our Tenants, Jeff, regarding his experience at the latest tenants' panel 

"My attendance at the Tenants meeting at the Town Hall on Wednesday 30th November 2022 was open and frank with all participants indicating their desire for transparency, not a talking shop but action oriented which to me was refreshing. I raised issues relating to installation, health and safety and the need for action or explanation. The three RBC representatives were exceedingly positive and keen to provide a mutual Council/Tenants approach to getting things done and would issue action notes rather than minutes. The next meeting is in February and in my view the Tenants Panel is an excellent platform to ensure we, Council/Tenants, work together as a community rather than as individuals with their parochial wants or needs. See you at the next meeting Jeff " 

Find out more information about the tenant panel