Help us by having your say

The council's overview and scrutiny committees have a range of roles, including:

  • helping to develop council policy
  • reviewing council services
  • making sure the council operates effectively and efficiently
  • reviewing services provided by other public bodies, such as the police and NHS

You can have a say by suggesting topics and issues you feel our overview and scutiny committees should focus on.

Both overview and scrutiny committees have rolling work programmes which residents can play a part in - either by suggesting a subject for a review or attending a meeting to give evidence.

We want to hear ideas which you believe could make a real, positive impact for the borough's residents, or help the council save money, operate more efficiently or generate revenue.

Tell us your suggestion for a scrutiny review

You can find out details about overview and scrutiny meetings - including dates, agendas and minutes - on the council website.

To request to speak at an overview and scrutiny committee meeting, call our democratic services team on (01788) 533522 or email at least three working days before the meeting.




Overview and scrutiny committees

Our Communities and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and Environment and Growth Overview and Scrutiny Committee share responsibility for:

  • holding the leader and executive director of the council to account
  • holding council portfolio holders to account
  • carrying out quarterly monitoring of finance and performance
  • scrutiny of external agencies
  • carrying out the council's statutory responsibility to review decisions/actions of the authorities in the Rugby Community Safety Partnership in relation to crime and disorder

Paperwork for committees are available at the bottom of the page: 'Council meetings, agendas and minutes' as seen on the previous section.

Work programmes for both committees can be found in the meeting agendas.